Our location: 412 Elmwood Rd., Lansing, Mi.48917

Call Us: (517) 321-2230

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no easy answer. Please let us know what you want to order and for what date you need it, and we will try to accommodate if possible. We accept orders based on the number of items we have time to bake, prepare, and decorate. This depends on how many other orders we have.

We do recommend refrigerating cakes, cupcakes, bars, cheesecake, and cookies with buttercream icing. Remove at least 30 minutes before serving. If it is not possible to refrigerate these items, make sure they stay in a cool location. Our icing is made with real butter; anywhere a stick of butter would melt, so will our icing. 

We do not recommend refrigerating cookies or caramel corn

All items are made in the same kitchen so there is no guarantee that food items were not in contact with allergens such as nuts, gluten, etc.

We only offer gluten friendly cupcakes. Carmel corn is also gluten friendly.

We do not have egg free, dairy free, or sugar free items. 

Yes, our cakes and cupcakes will be ready to serve for at least 4 days after picking up. Keep well sealed and refrigerated to help prevent loss of moisture.

We Do Not offer online ordering. Most of our products are customizable. In order to ensure all details are correct we believe it is best to discuss detail face to face or over the phone.

Your order is not confirmed until a deposit is paid.

We understand that illness and other circumstances may change plans, but we accept orders based on bakery capacity. Potential orders may have been turned down so refunds may not be issued if less than 5 days’ notice is given.

We can save your order for a future date or provide an in-store credit to use for other items.